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St Paul's NS, Walshestown National School, Drogheda Co Louth

News Nuacht

30th Aug 2024
Congratulations to all our Junior Infants completing their first week at big school!...
18th Sep 2024
We had the privilege of attending our first school Mass of the year today. A heartfelt...
16th Sep 2024
Accelerated Reader has officially lifted off in 3rd and 4th class. Very excited to...
16th Sep 2024
A big congratulations to all our Gaelgeoirí na Seachtaine and Stars of...
11th Sep 2024
Our Parent's Association and our whole school community would like to extend our...
6th Sep 2024
A huge congratulations to our Gaelgoirí na Seachtaine and Stars of the...
1st Sep 2024
We had such a fun first week back! We are all getting used to seeing each other...
30th Aug 2024
Welcome back to school, everyone! We’re so excited to have you back and ready...
27th Aug 2024