Access Keys:

St Paul's NS, Walshestown National School, Drogheda Co Louth

Fundraiser for our Special Classes

26th May 2024

Boyne Camino 25k Walk: Saturday June 8th

Hi everyone! We are looking to make big improvements to our Special Classes play area and we need your help. 

This space is of vital importance for our children, providing them with a safe outdoor space for regulation breaks and is a place where they can develop and practice a wide range of skills.

Unfortunately, on rainy days( which we have a lot of), we are unable to use this area as there is no covering to provide protection from the elements. This can make the day very challenging for our children. In the winter months, as the play space and the route up to it are grassed, the children also have to contend with a muddy, slippery ground. Our children deserve the best and top of our wish list is a covering which will make a massive difference. We are currently getting several quotes for this.

We are asking staff, family members of our school community and anyone who just enjoys a good walk to join us. There is no pressure on anyone to complete the full 25k, each individual can decide for themselves how much of the Camino they can manage. Our only ask is that everyone raises money through sponsorship.

The easiest way to do this is by sharing the link via iDonate below to social media or friends and family . As an alternative, you can collect a sponsorship card from Helena in our school office.

For further information and to register your interest please email: